Was she the prostitute that had stones thrown at her or was she someone of greater significance? Was she the wife of Jesus of Nazareth? Moreover, was she the wife of Jesus or just some tag a long? References in the bible show record of Mary Magdalene at important scenes and times of Jesus' life. Mark, Matthew and John have recorded Mary Magdalene to be present during the crucifixion, after the crucifixion, and at the resurrection.
Mary would visit his tomb everyday and one day she had noticed the stone rolled away.
John 20:18: Mary Magdalene came, announcing to the disciples, "I have seen the Lord," and that He had said these things to her.
I always wondered WHY Jesus' first appearance before his resurrection was to Mary Magdalene. If Jesus was born of man, of flesh and blood than he would also be able to fall in love and be married. As Christians are we not told to procreate and replenish the earth? Why is it that it would be different for Jesus? If this law of man and woman being the only union why is it that Jesus was not a part of this sacred union?
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